The GRONEN Workshop series was born out of the idea to lend professional support to each other and intensify the exchange among the GRONEN network in between the biennial research conference. GRONEN has always focused on mentoring and providing guidance, especially for junior scholars. Workshop topics are centered on research skills, teaching skills, and career skills. Below please find an overview of past workshops. If there is a topic you would like to see a future GRONEN workshop on or you are interested in hosting a workshop, please just get in touch. We are happy to hear from you.

Revitalize your Teaching on Sustainability – Best Practices and Novel Approaches

13 October 2023

The multi-faceted challenges the global community currently faces require a deep reflection on the way we teach sustainability and on our role as teachers. The climate crisis, energy security, and food accessibility have all become intertwined and lead to competing priorities in business and society. For teachers at business schools and technical universities, this raises important questions: Do the management models and decision-making heuristics we teach still fit this reality? How can we design new sustainability-related syllabi and refresh our teaching approaches? The aim of this workshop is to bring together experienced teachers as well as those starting to teach to generate a debate on revitalizing sustainability teaching. The format is interactive, including panel and roundtable sessions which provide a platform to discuss current topics and reflect on their own teaching approach. 

Say it louder!

01 July 2021

A GRONEN Booster Workshop to learn from top scientists and communication experts how to communicate academic research on organization & the natural environment to journalists, policy makers, civic society organizations and to get feedback from them on your research results.

María del Mar Martínez-Bravo

Academic Writing and Finding Healthy Writing Habits

Online workshop in 2021

A online workshop to help young reachers who are chasing one of the January conference submission deadlines? Do you have a paper “in the drawer” that needs a fresh perspective? Would you benefit from the discussion with someone working in your area? Then sign-up up for the GRONEN writing sprint! 

Leyla Azizi

Our Workshop at WASEDA University

Japan in 2019

In Tokyo from the 14th to 15th of June 2019, hosted by WASEDA University, this one-day research symposium focused on studies adopting a behavioral foundations to develop insights relevant to addressing important research questions in environmental management. There were two days of in-depth-PhD-workshops, an interdisciplinary symposium and more in the wonderful capital of Japan.