Our executive members are available for all your comments, questions, and suggestions. We welcome your feedback and proposals.
Please, feel free to join the GRONEN association now (fill out the membership form) and receive updates on upcoming GRONEN activities, news, and opportunities. Please fill out the membership form and we will keep you updated. Membership is free.
If you have any general comment or need specific information about your membership or the GRONEN organization in general, please get in touch with:
Main contact – info@gronenonline.com
Group for Research on Organizations and the Natural Environment (GRONEN) Association
Nicole Darnall – Network Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Nicole Darnall, Arizona State University – Network Coordinator Email: ndarnall (at) asu.edu
If you have any comment or suggestion regarding the website please contact GRONEN webmaster Bhavesh Sarna (University Teacher at Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics), bhavesh.b.sarna (at) jyu.fi
Here are also the QR – links to our Twitter and LinkedIn accounts!
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